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Heavy Rains & Swimming Pools
Take these steps to protect your pool, or clean up after heavy rains.
Pool Maintenance Guide Advice | Tips and tricks on cleaning, chlorination and heating
Pool looking more green than clean? Pool maintenance can be a drag, but there's no point having a great pool out the back if it's full of sludge. Cleaning and maintenance are crucial to keeping the water safe for you and your family, and to make sure you actually get to use it! From collecting leaves and debris to keeping the chlorine levels stable, there's a huge range of tricks, tools and products to keep your pool in tip top shape. Cleaning your pool All pools require cleaning to remove the leaves, dirt and other grotty things that they collect....
The differences in pool filter media
Evaluating the best filter media for your pool can often be confusing. A filter that works well will keep your pool free from debris, algae and keep your water crystal clear. Traditionally sand has been used by many pool owners for their filtration systems and previous to that Diatomaceous Earth. Sand filtration strains the water to filter out impurities as the particles cling to the cracks of sand. Combined with the gaps between each grain this allows the particles to be trapped. Unfortunately over time these impurities eventually clog up the sand and need to be cleared every 6-8 weeks...
You are ready for summer, but is your pool?
Summer is just around the corner, which means it is nearly time to jump in the pool. But wait! I have done hardly anything for maintenance for the whole of winter. This is going to take forever you say. Good news, if you have done the basic minimum for your pool over winter the process of opening your pool for summer is super simple. Make sure you have increased your pool filter and chlorinator run time to allow for extra usage and an increase in temperature. Check the expiration date on the pool chemicals and discard those that are past...